Sunday, July 26, 2009

MIlitary Writers Society of America

MWSA is an organization dedicated to supporting writers who are active military, veterans, military and veteran families, historians, journalists, poets, children's authors -- anyone interested in writing about the broader topics that impact our world. We like the smaller more personal topics as well. Founded by Vietnam Veteran Bill McDonald, MWSA aspires to do what other writing groups can't or don't -- support writers in all phases of their careers -- from wannabe to novice to working to established. We believe that the more an author puts into the organization, the more valuable the membership is to him/her. For that reason, we will be introducing a variety of activities designed to inspire, encourage, promote and recognize works that advance the career of the individual and enhance the reputation of MWSA and all of its members.We now offer:
Monthy Newsletter that includes announcements, opportunities, member contributions, and news.
*Free bookstore for members to show/sell their books.
*MWSA reviews that can be used to promote books.
*MWSA awards program
*MWSA People's Choice Award program
*MWSA Bucks
*MWSA 50/50 Raffle Fundraiser -- Drawing -- -- Sept. 12, 2009 -- 9am EST
*MWSA Book Awards Announcement -- -- Sept. 12, 2009 -- 9am EST
*MWSA Conference and Award Banquet -- Westin Imagine Orlando, Orlando FL Oct 9-11th, 2009
*MWSA OPEN MIC Oct 9, 2009 -- 6 - 8pm -- Westin Imagine Orlando -- broadcast live streaming video
*MWSA Bucks Auction -- Oct 11th, 2009 -- 11am ---- Westin Imagine Orlando -- broadcast live streaming video
*And much much more.
I'm looking forward to an exciting event in Orlando, FL. If you are interested in MWSA, contact me at

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